For those of us who don’t have a deep and abiding love of data, learning to even simply tolerate it can sound unappealing. In honor of the month of love, allow Mambo Media to show you how developing a love affair with data can benefit your marketing bottom line.
As marketing has evolved from being primarily creative-driven to now being more data-driven, marketing strategies have sometimes been slow to keep up with analytics capabilities and trends. Creative is still essential of course, but absent of data analysis, your marketing efforts will be left waiting for the second date that never happens.
Consumers are digitally savvy and data will give you the competitive advantage by knowing exactly what works for your audience in terms of message, channel, platform, frequency, placement and so much more. Learning to love data-driven marketing optimization will be a commitment worth making.
To begin harnessing the power of data for your marketing programs, it’s important to ask yourself a number of questions to narrow in on your campaign goals:
•Do you want to acquire new leads or retain existing customers? Or both?
•Do you need to learn more about the demographics of your website visitors to better inform your targeted marketing program?
•Do you need to understand which CTAs convert vs. which ones flop?
•Do you want to know which blog topics or what messaging resonates most with your audience?
You can uncover answers to these questions and so much more once you embrace loving your data.
If you’re starting to feel butterflies when you think of what you could learn from your data, download Mambo Media’s helpful eBook on how to Build Google Analytics Dashboards that will do Your Reporting Heavy Lifting. With this eBook, you’ll learn how to begin collecting the data you’ll need in an easy, convenient and efficient way to make data-driven marketing decisions that will boost your bottom line.
Data never seemed so loveable. <3
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