
Google Tag Manager – Webinar

Mar 27 2017


Webinar: Google Tag Manager

Interested in implementing Google Tag Manager but not sure where or how to start? Join us for a free one-hour webinar and learn how Google Tag Manager simplifies the tag implementation and management process. Our Mambo expert will discuss tag management systems in general, the benefits of Google Tag Manager, and how to develop an implementation strategy. We’ll leave some time at the end for your questions, too. Knowledge of HTML and JavaScript is not required, but a basic understanding of both is useful.


This webinar is for you if:

  • You’re a digital marketer and want to increase the impact of your efforts
  • You’re an analyst who wants more value from the data
  • You want cross-domain, ecommerce, and custom tracking capabilities


This webinar may not be for you if:

  • You are an advanced Google Tag manager user already
  • You’re not interested in analytics


June 2017

12-1 pm



Register Today


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