
Trends & Tips

Jul 19 2013

3 Steps to Encourage a Culture of Employee Engagement

We’re a competitive bunch at Mambo, and if you’re friends with one of us on Facebook and we have encouraged you to Like the Mambo page, there was a good reason for it – we wanted to WIN the “Who can get the most Facebook friends to Like Mambo?” contest! Social posts by employees from their personal accounts feel more authentic than brand-driven content, so your employees should know that: •  Your management team understands the benefits of having employees who talk about their company •  There are guidelines for when and how...

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Jul 02 2013

VividWall at PSU CEPE

Portland State University's Center for Executive and Professional Education (CEPE) is part of Portland State University's School of Business Administration and is a leading provider of executive and professional education in the Portland metro area. After relocating to the modern 1500 SW St Ave. Suite 100B, CEPE wanted to provide both visitors and students with a deeper connection and understanding of the social conversations, industry articles and student successes in a visually engaging and captivating manner. Mambo Media's VividWall social slideshow solution combines CEPE's tweets and Facebook posts and displays them on...

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May 09 2013

Three Things I Learned at the Innotech eMarketing Summit: Next Gen Social

As part of the Mambo team, I had the opportunity to attend last week’s eMarketing Summit and the luncheon keynote panel, “Think Tank: Next Gen Social.”  The panel was eloquently hosted by our very own Siouxsie Jennett and featured distinguished guests: Katja Asaro of Henry V Events, Jennifer Davis of Planar Systems, and Frank Mungeam of KGW.  Over the course of the hour, we heard lively discussion from the panelists about how social media is changing the way their businesses work.  Check out Frank’s Storify recap of the #emsvw social feed as well. Three...

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Oct 29 2012

Position Your Outbound Marketing Programs To Take Flight

To position an outbound marketing program for maximum ROI, strategic planning and set-up is essential before the execution phase. Start with a clear definition of your client’s goals and budget. Identify audience segments and channels where they live. Conduct an audit for keywords, phrases, hashtags, competition and thought leaders by vertical. Initiate an ongoing listening system for content farming and social signals that uncover opportunistic engagement (or mitigation). Optimize or build social assets (channels, branding, SEO, PPC, etc.). Finally, consider a UX review and content audit of an existing landing page to optimize conversions. This is not...

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Sep 04 2012

Building Trust in Your Mobile Relationship

Would you invite a stranger into your house, to join you for dinner, ride in your car, attend your work meetings?  Probably – hopefully – not.  Certainly  you wouldn’t invite them to sleep next to you, ever-present on your nightstand.  But, with smart phones and mobile devices going everywhere you go, this is the level of intimacy you build with customers through mobile marketing.  This is a relationship marketers need to respectfully cultivate in order to be successful.   Marketing tools and channels are evolving toward accessing and using more data, not...

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Aug 10 2012

What is VividWall? A Visual Aggregator

VividWall is a visual content social media aggregator. Billions of pieces of content are shared every day, and visual content is one of the fast growing segments within content marketing. Brands need easy-to-implement solutions to scan, monitor, moderate, curate and display visual content from the web in a manner that encourages engagement and sharing. VividWall makes this process seamless, intuitive and exciting. Platform-Agnostic Sharing Images are more shareable than text and often more effective at showing your story, as consumers are drowning in wordy content. User-generated content is one of the most...

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Jul 20 2012

Social Business as a Growth Strategy

It’s now common knowledge that to survive in business today means being social. A lot of the buzz on this topic feels like an urgent imperative for brand decision-makers (like it or not) when really, socializing business should be embraced as an exciting and viable strategy not just to survive, but to lean up for growth out of this economy. Start with a fresh perspective to bring agility and authenticity to your business goals, which means starting at the top. Social business is not a passive change. Executive sponsorship with a...

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Jul 09 2012

Step One: Strategic Goals Alignment

The first step in beginning any marketing program at Mambo is our Strategic Goals Alignment exercise.  We do this as a kickoff exercise with our clients so that we can ensure we capture the top-down executive strategy and bake that in to any digital and social strategy we then develop.  An additional benefit of initially aligning strategic goals with leadership and your team is to make sure you're all on the same page from the start.  This simple but crucial step has become a cornerstone of our success with clients...

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Mar 11 2012

11 Steps to LinkedIn for Recruitment: Which Should You Use?

If you’re interested in using LinkedIn to recruit employees, there are many ways to approach this process. We’ve found that our Before, During, After methodology helps organize and clarify the steps, from optimizing your Company LinkedIn Page to building relationships with potential candidates. Below are our recommendations for 11 steps that you can choose from to create a successful LinkedIn recruitment campaign. BEFORE Before you begin to recruit, follow these steps to build your Company Page LinkedIn followership and make it easier for candidates to find and apply for your open positions. 1. ...

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Jan 30 2012

2012 Marketing Planning – 4 Business Realities to Consider, Parts 3 and 4

Catch up on Part 1 and Part 2 of Siouxsie’s 4-part series on 2012: The Year of Business Realities.

REALITY 3 – Smart Integration of New Tools

We so often see organizations paralyzed by the implementation of a new technology where so much time and energy was put into researching just the right solution and then somehow the actual implementation and training was treated as an afterthought.  With the best of intentions, decisions were made, large budgets were spent, and now it’s up to the “doers” to implement and ensure the new solution is optimized to the highest level. 

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