Do You Need To Adapt Your SEO Strategy For Voice Search in 2019?
I was never a fan of talking to inanimate objects. Up until recently, talking to no-one-in-particular was a sign you were going crazy (talking to dogs doesn’t count). That all changed with the birth of our smart new friends Alexa and Siri. These digital assistants leverage AI (artificial intelligence) technology to provide answers to our voice searches via the smartphones in our pockets and the smart-speakers sitting on our kitchen counters, and they have significant implications to SEO.
We’ve always known having a solid SEO strategy was important but optimizing for a typed search vs. a voice search – especially when you consider that according to ComScore 50% of all searches will be voice searches by 2020 – is a bit of a different ballgame.
When conducting a voice search, people are more likely to speak in conversational, complete sentences and are typically question phrases – how, who, where, etc. It’s no longer just about keywords. Businesses and marketers are forced to really think about how audiences are talking about our products and services so we can develop website content and meta descriptions in ways that anticipate the pain-points and problems users are looking to solve.
2020 is nearly upon us. Adapt your SEO strategy for voice search now, or you may risk being overtaken by the competition.
Kim D’Amico
Sr Strategic Account Manager
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