Realizing the Value of Micro-Moments in 2019: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Trust the Results
It’s no secret that consumers are expecting a personalized experience in every facet their online shopping journey. And instead of hopping into the “War Room” with Doctor Strangelove, you have plenty of options on how and where deploy your troops (strategy). When they have a question, the overwhelming majority quickly turn to their mobile device for a fast, and intuitive, answer. According to Google, searches containing the word “best” have grown by 80% on mobile devices in the past 2 years, prompting brands to make sure their content is aligned with what consumers are looking for. People are looking for best-in-class options, no matter the product.
The vast majority of customers are looking for a “right here, right now” experience, whether they are researching an upcoming purchase, or are ready to complete a purchase online, or via an in-store experience. In fact, according to Google, there has been a 150% growth in mobile searches for “ ___ near me now ” in the past 2 years. People are requesting and consuming content faster than ever…and they want it NOW, and they want it WHERE they physically are.
Micro-moments (especially positive ones!) are also creating a much more informed customer, as customers are now expecting their devices to deliver a fast, and personalized, experience every time. According to Mention.com, “Micro-moments occur when people reflexively turn to a device – increasingly a smartphone – to act on a need to learn something, do something, discover something, watch something, or buy something. They are intent-rich moments when decisions are made and preferences shaped.” The key phrase being intent-rich moments; in fact, With AR and beacon technology continuing to evolve, brands will be able to curate these moments more effectively, and transfer the user experience from digital to real-life experiences, and back again…seamlessly.
In the end, It’s about more than just “quick results/wins” – It’s about combining machine/AI learning, marketing automation tools, and a user-focused content development strategy to provide a seamless user experience…from intro/education, through the buyer’s cycle, with the end result being a consumer who is not only purchasing from you, but is happy (and willing!) to share that positive experience with their peers. This is part SEO, part brand strategy, and a heavy dose of good old “caring about your customers”. The “game” is caring, and that takes time to prove to customers. Spend the time. Make it count. And they will come back for more.
While there was (and still is) concern about the amount of big data being amassed and collected from our phones and internet usage, delivering a reliable user experience through these micro-moments is likely to increase even more in 2019. These moments have shown users that they can count on their devices (and trusted brands) to provide accurate information; when they need it, not just when they are being marketed to. Which is usually right…about…now. And now. And probably later, too.
Reid B. Horton
Digital Marketing Manager
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