
When Celebrities Tweet: 3-Point Strategy to Leverage Celebrity Power, Part 3

May 03 2010

3. Think Long Term

  • Cultivate a relationship with your Celeb – Ideally, this is not a one night stand or a flash in the pan or a one hit wonder, and your celebrity is genuinely interested in supporting your cause.  Celebrities are typically pretty guarded because so many want a piece of them without giving anything in return.  Think about what you can do for your celeb.  If you’re a chocolatier, send him/her a box on a regular basis with a hand-written thank you note.  If you offer a service, get clever and dig into what your celeb in interested in outside of being a celebrity.  They are human, they have feelings, and they don’t want to be used.  They want to have a two-way relationship with cool people like you.  Show them how cool you are and how you’re interested in having a real, interesting, creative relationship.
  • Reach out to the new-found fans – So you doubled your fan base because of your celeb…well these people want to play in your sandbox, so what do you have to offer?  What kind of questions did this group ask, what are their cares, concerns, hopes and dreams?  How can you help provide insights, guidance, and advice around these topics?  You get one chance to prove that you are a valuable brand to fan.  Show ‘em what you got!
  • Plan out next steps with Celeb – if you have ongoing communication with your celeb, keep him/her updated and propose (gracefully) next steps on how he/she might help build on the momentum.  For example, you could report back that the #1 question on Twitter in response to his/her tweet was “X…” and isn’t that so interesting and wouldn’t it be great if he/she could give her perspective on that topic by guest blogging on our blog?

This could be the start of a beautiful relationship…

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Siouxsie Jennett
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